New Agreement To Sell

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Agreement To Sell
Address of the Property Being Sold Measuring Area of Property for the sum of Amount

This Agreement To Sell made at 27-Jul-2024 on


Seller: S/O ABC bearing CNIC 37200-1234567-8

Herein after Called the 'Seller' which expression shall include their legal heirs, successors-in-interest, legal representatives and assigns of the 'ONE PART'


Buyer: S/O XYZ bearing CNIC 37200-98765432-1

1. That this Agreement to sell is done on 27-Jul-2024

2. The Seller shall take all steps necessary for transferring the Property to the Buyer within the Sale Period, through execution of appropriate conveyance deed in favour of the Buyer or his authorized nominee.

3. Immediately upon the execution of the the appropriate conveyance deed, the Buyer shall pay the Remainder Price to the Seller.

4. Immediately upon receipt of the Remainder Price, the Seller shall hand over vacant and undisturbed possession of the Property to the Buyer.

5. The Seller hereby warrants and declares that his title is without defect and the Property is free of all encumbrances. As soon as possible after the execution of this Agreement, the Seller shall submit a copy of the title deeds of the Property to the Buyer or his authorized nominee so that the Buyer may verify the Seller’s title through investigation.

6. The expenses for preparation of the conveyance deed, payment of stamp duty and registration fee and other incidental expenses shall be borne by the Buyer.

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